The Self-Awareness and Self-Compassion Podcast
Ever need a word of encouragement and a story that feels like a warm hug for your soul? Join life coach Blaze Schwaller as she explores what it means to be imperfect, human, and striving for a fully engaged and colorful life in this series about stretching to reach your highest potential while honoring the full range of your emotions and experiences. Whether she's talking about crippling self-doubt or the joy of befriending feral cats, expect these poignant conversations to be your weekly boost of self-acceptance, humor, and motivation. Formerly the Full Spectrum Feeling Podcast.
160 episodes
Knowing When It's Complete - A Farewell to the Podcast for Now
It's been a wonderful three years of creating and producing this podcast, but for now it's time for a break. I am so appreciative to all of you who have joined me for each episode, supported me on the journey and contributed to its success....
Season 3
Episode 52

Inspiration and Following Your Heart During Stressful Times
It’s important to refuel yourself regularly if you want to have the energy and inspiration to take care of others or make a huge impact on the world around you.It is often our most selfish hobbies and downtime that allows us to have the...
Season 3
Episode 51

Perceiving Yourself With Love and Respect
When life presents us with difficult situations, we often forget to pause and assess ourselves for all of the things we are capable of and offer. But when we do, we can bring so much more to the situation and give ourselves a lot more appreciat...
Season 3
Episode 50

Why We Procrastinate and Some Tips on How to Overcome It
When we’re stretching for a goal, we often find ourselves procrastinating and not understanding why we aren’t doing it.We can easily self-sabotage when working toward a goal by believing that it’s not worth bothering to try because we ha...
Season 3
Episode 49

Overcoming Stress While Learning a New Hobby
Sometimes we have feelings about the hobbies we choose to pursue, despite starting with all good intentions.Part of learning any new skill is coming to terms with being terrible at it in the beginning and facing our own frustration with ...
Season 3
Episode 48

Cultivating Friendships Over a Lifetime
Friendships change throughout the course of our lives. As children, it seems like friendships are much easier to initiate than as adults. Friendships grow easily with shared experiences. When we are kids, we are put into the same en...
Season 3
Episode 47

Creating A Schedule That Works For You
Depending on how you work best, you might prefer a schedule that is fairly rigid and has smaller bursts of scheduled activities, or you might thrive when you clock out multiple hours for work that fits a certain theme.When I feel like th...
Season 3
Episode 46

Handling Everyday Inconveniences With Grace
Our bright and large emotional reactions to small things stem from earlier situations that we’re still dealing with emotionally.It’s easy to roll with inconveniences when they are few and far between and we are otherwise happy, cared for...
Season 3
Episode 45

Becoming Codependent on Fitness Trackers and Apps
How do you use technology? Do you feel it benefits you? This week I share my experience using fitness trackers and the ways it has both helped me and stressed me out. How was my life different when I could only use analog feedback l...
Season 3
Episode 44

How Being Saturated with Information Affects You
What’s the emotion that’s sparked the most often by the sources of information and entertainment you consume or are exposed to?Having a big emotion sparked makes it more difficult for you to respond to situations, it instead elicits reac...
Season 3
Episode 43

Are Hobbies Worth Doing If We Aren't Great At Them?
How do you value your time? Is there a threshold of excellence you strive to achieve that holds you back from enjoying hobbies?Sometimes we compare ourselves to people who make their living doing the craft that we’ve made into our hobby....
Season 3
Episode 42

What I Learned About Humanity and Living Through Researching My Ancestry
Researching my own ancestry opened my eyes to some patterns that seemed to emerge several times that surprised me. I feel like I have a deeper understanding of how money moves and flows through generations, the frequency with which people trave...
Season 3
Episode 41

Recommitting to a Quieter Execution of Goals in the Last Quarter of the Year
This time of year is about a quieter execution of goals. The exuberance of the Spring and Summer have come to an end, and while that brings with it a sense of loss and listlessness – there is something wonderful about flowing into a slower pace...
Season 3
Episode 40

What's Reasonable to Accomplish in the Last 3 Months of the Year
What is reasonable to accomplish in only three months or 13 weeks? As the end of the year approaches and panic sets in that we haven’t gotten everything done off of our lists of goals for the year, the kindest thing we can do is look back at wh...
Season 3
Episode 39

Thoughts on AI and Machine Learning, Intellectual Property and Identities
Technology is always changing and disrupting industries. But the shift into using artificial intelligence on the scale that is being offered today seems deeper than any other shift that came before. Perhaps that is because this is the moment I ...
Season 3
Episode 38

Finding Compassion for Yourself and Others in the Present Moment
Knowing that you have agency in your life and have the capability of making choices rather than having life imposed on you, allows you to choose your experiences and defines who you are. The power we have as individuals is to choose the flavor ...
Season 3
Episode 37

The Power of the Present Moment and Small Actions
I tend to discount small actions as if I only get a little done it’s not enough. But, I don’t need to get everything done all at once, and what I’m capable of doing and showing up for is enough. Each day will be different, and it’s OK that some...
Season 3
Episode 36

Overcoming Times of Feeling Low and Disempowered
What can we do when our mood has tanked and we’re in a loop of doom? This week’s podcast talks about depression, negative thoughts, and anxiety and recognizing the flow of emotion and thoughts so that we can head ourselves toward calmer waters....
Season 3
Episode 35

How to Recognize Unreasonable Expectations and Decide on a Slower Pace
A chronic symptom of the culture we are in is that we want to consume more, do more, and be more all the time. Our expectation is that self-growth is the most positive thing in the world for us, but in the pursuit of having everything already d...
Season 3
Episode 34

Ways We Can Avoid Self-Sabotage in Our Creative Projects
This week’s episode explores how I inadvertently self-sabotaged myself while pursuing my sewing goals and how I got back on track.Sometimes despite our best intentions, we overwhelm ourselves and not only tank our progress on the new th...
Season 3
Episode 33

Overcoming Procrastination to be Fiercely in Favor of Your Goals
Where do you look for confirmation that you’re on the right track in life? We sometimes wait for the feedback we get from the world to be positive to keep moving forward on a project, and we find negative feedback stops us or makes us question ...
Season 3
Episode 32

On Branding, Company Values, and Building Businesses from the Heart
What is it about a company’s values that attract the right customers? This week I’m sharing a moment of recognition I had when a mentor shared his story of how he eventually became the center of his brand. When hiring, others ought to supplemen...
Season 3
Episode 31

Mental Exertion And How Re-wiring your Self Concept and Knowledge Takes Calories
Mental and physical exertion both take a lot of energy, but we often forget how much learning costs our energy reserves.Back in 2008, I went to the first Illustration Master Class for a week in June, and it upleveled my artwork forever.<...
Season 3
Episode 30

Tracking Progress on Your Goals in Health and Fitness
It’s good to take down some notes on where you are now before you start any kind of self-improvement journey. This year I want to maximize my health so I decided it would be a good idea to get some kind of a record in place to set a baseline of...
Season 3
Episode 29

Health, Fitness, and Being More Than Just a Vessel to Move Your Head Around
How do you use your body and mind? Do you think about them as two separate parts of you? Do you appreciate one half more than the other?Recovering from the wildfire smoke has revitalized my commitment to caring for my body. I’ve added in...
Season 3
Episode 28