The Self-Awareness and Self-Compassion Podcast
Ever need a word of encouragement and a story that feels like a warm hug for your soul? Join life coach Blaze Schwaller as she explores what it means to be imperfect, human, and striving for a fully engaged and colorful life in this series about stretching to reach your highest potential while honoring the full range of your emotions and experiences. Whether she's talking about crippling self-doubt or the joy of befriending feral cats, expect these poignant conversations to be your weekly boost of self-acceptance, humor, and motivation. Formerly the Full Spectrum Feeling Podcast.
The Self-Awareness and Self-Compassion Podcast
How to Recognize Unreasonable Expectations and Decide on a Slower Pace
A chronic symptom of the culture we are in is that we want to consume more, do more, and be more all the time. Our expectation is that self-growth is the most positive thing in the world for us, but in the pursuit of having everything already done to perfection, we wear ourselves out and feel awful.
We should always ask of any thought or belief that we have, is this true? And is this thought or belief serving me well?
It’s so easy to mindlessly pursue more, and it makes me personally feel tired, disappointed, and ragged. Self-criticism like that doesn’t serve us at all.
This week's episode will help you slow down and feel better about the natural pace that serves you best.
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