The Self-Awareness and Self-Compassion Podcast

Tracking Progress on Your Goals in Health and Fitness

Blaze Schwaller Season 3 Episode 29

It’s good to take down some notes on where you are now before you start any kind of self-improvement journey. This year I want to maximize my health so I decided it would be a good idea to get some kind of a record in place to set a baseline of my current health and fitness. 

This way I can check back in over the years and find out if I’ve managed to maintain my bone density, where my fat distribution moves over the years, and lets me know where I am doing well and where I have room for adjustment.

I chose to get a DEXA scan to record this information, and it was an interesting experience. It didn’t take very long, only about ten minutes. Some of that was just strapping my legs together and making sure my arms were next to my body while I laid on the scanning bed.

You can schedule a DEXA scan without a doctor’s recommendation now, but there aren’t a lot of places that provide this service outside of an insurance system. I had to drive an hour away, but I consider the knowledge worth the effort to acquire.

Remember that making progress checks with yourself is important because our mind tends not to notice our gains and only focuses on the next goal post – and we often move our goal posts over time as our gains become a new normal.

By checking in and noticing all the positive changes, you can keep your negative self-talk in check and celebrate how far you’ve come.

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