The Self-Awareness and Self-Compassion Podcast

Episode 16 S3 - How to Give Up Things You No Longer Want to Tolerate

Blaze Schwaller Season 3 Episode 16

How can you raise your expectations for what is possible in your life? This week I come at the subject from a different angle and ask you, what are you tolerating in your life?

Where are the places where you can raise the bar on what you allow to keep happening in your life and expect things to go better?

I share my journey of wanting to become someone who isn’t attached to my phone and the process of separating from it consciously.

Where are you allowing yourself to keep doing the old thing you’re ready to give up? What benefit is this old action giving you? Is there a better thing you could replace that activity with that gives you the same benefit?

Without being deliberate about what we want to experience and what we no longer want to do, it is so easy to be a bit of a zombie and do the same thing you always have. 

As always, adding in something you would prefer to do is often easier to get a change rolling than going straight for cutting things out of your day.

We also need to consider where we write off the possibility of change for us because we don’t think a small change is big enough. But small changes add up!

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