The Self-Awareness and Self-Compassion Podcast

Happy New Year 2023 – Thoughts About How We Manifest Goals

Blaze Schwaller Season 3 Episode 1

We are more than the sum of our successes and failures in 2022.

What a relief to look at a new year and wonder how I can enjoy being myself even more than I have before! Being myself by making choices that feel the best to me leads to moments of connection that I want to savor going forward.

I had a conversation with a wild crow this past week, and it delighted me that I could forge the opportunity for that kind of interaction by simply being me and doing what I do with regularity.

May this year have a lot of joy and contentment for you as you release into the moment and allow yourself to receive what is yours to have. I want to think that in many regards, life can be simpler like this, if not always easy.

May you become an excellent receiver of the gifts that are given to you!

Rather than resolving for anything – what will you allow to happen and manifest? I’d love to know!

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